28 Oct Baggett McCall Supports Judge Genovese For Louisiana Supreme Court
The 2016 elections are just around the corner and as with every election cycle the people will choose more than just a new president. On the ballot in Louisiana this November the people will choose a new Louisiana Supreme Court judge. This is a critically important decision because the chosen judge will sit on Louisiana’s court of last resort for the next 10 years. While there are several names on the ballot Baggett McCall, LLC supports Judge Jimmy Genovese for election to the Supreme Court of Louisiana.
Judge Genovese stands for and applies these principles:
Fairness and Equality for all
No allegiance to special interests
Strict rule of law
Pro God, Life, Family, and Justice
Judge Jimmy Genovese has served as an appellate judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeal in Lake Charles since 2004. This also makes him the only candidate on the ballot with the all important appellate experience one would desire a supreme court judge to have.
Baggett McCall knows he will serve the citizens of Louisiana well on the Louisiana Supreme Court. Please join us in voting for Judge Genovese on Election Day, November 8, or in early voting that runs through November 1!
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