02 Aug Baggett McCall | The Serious Injury Lawyers | Chemical Exposure Rulings
Chemical Exposure Rulings | Baggett McCall Obtains Additional Favorable Rulings Against Citgo Petroleum
On July 6, 2016, Wells Watson and Jake Buford of Baggett McCall secured the latest in a series of favorable judgments for clients against Citgo Petroleum in connection with a June 2016 slop oil release. The 14th Judicial District Court sitting in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana found for the plaintiffs in the consolidated case of Shawn Cormier, et al, awarding damages of over $313,000 and taxing all court costs to Citgo Petroleum along with judicial interest. Copies of the related Judgment and Written Reasons, along with other favorable recent rulings, can be found by clicking the following links.
Shawn Cormier, et. al v Citgo Petroleum Corp.:
Carl Cormier v. Citgo Petroleum Corp.:
Emma Bradford v. Citgo Petroleum Corp.:
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