31 Aug Lake Charles Attorneys | Baggett McCall | Mesothelioma Compensation For Families
Lake Charles Attorneys, Baggett McCall, know that there is no event more tragic than the death of a loved one. When someone you care about passes away it can be a devastating blow to your family. If the deceased was the primary source of income for your family, the hole they leave behind is not just emotional but financial. While a deceased loved one can of course never be replaced, the law often offers recourse to those left in distressed financial situations due to negligence.
Far too many wrongful deaths result from Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a dangerous form of cancer that results from contact with asbestos. Many jobs, including those of firefighters, oil rig workers, petrochemical and petroleum plant workers, railroad workers, and others can expose workers to dangerous asbestos. Mesothelioma develops in the same way. What sets it apart from other cancers is the carcinogen involved, asbestos. Tiny asbestos fibers lodge themselves into the lining of the lung. When the body cannot expel the fibers, the cells that make up the mesothelium envelop the fibers in an attempt to protect the body from the foreign particles. When an employer’s negligence resulted in asbestos exposure that caused the mesothelioma, compensation may be available to cover medical expenses and alleviate at least the financial distress of family of the affected worker.
Baggett McCall Injury Attorneys has been a top litigation firm in Louisiana for over 50 years and we have the report card to prove it. Our attorneys have over 280 combined years of litigation experience and are prepared to help you every step of the way. We know how important mesothelioma compensation is to those affected by the disease. When hiring an attorney or law firm to handle your personal injury case, you want to make sure that your legal team is personally involved, reliable, and has the experience to achieve results that meet your goals. We always advise our clients to choose their lawyers carefully. Our Lake Charles attorneys have extensive experience in handling personal injury and wrongful death claims and provide the highest quality of service and advocacy in every case. Contact Baggett McCall today!
Samantha Greenwood
Posted at 12:54h, 07 JuneI never knew how mesothelioma was caused by asbestos. Glad I know now!